Signs by the Roadside (Artist Box Edition of 50 Copies)
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Limited artist edition box set of 50 pieces with a signed and numbered print (Paper 22x30 cm).
This book will be sold on an escalating pricing scheme as follows :
01-10: € 290 (sold out)
10-20: € 360
20-30: € 450
30-40: € 520
40-50: € 640
* prices are exclusive of shipping
336 pages, 270 b&w photographs
Two Volume Set, Hardcover Book (Linnen) and Softcover Booklet.
(22 x 30 cm)
Available in Bosnian, German, and English (Booklet differs).
ISBN-13 : 978-3200080478
"This project is an eloquent testimonial that obliquely speaks to the way hatred of the Other is promoted by images and representations. As Kuzmanovic’s book points out, the best way to get at “reality” might just be to let the fragments and traces “collide and merge” associationally, such that our understandings of the world and cultures around us are acknowledged as provisional."
Gerhard (Gerry) Clausing, PhotoBook Journal Editor
"Signs by the Roadside is one of the most important books about war published in the last few years."
Brad Feuerhelm/Nearest Truth
"One of the best books on conflict of recent years/ever."
Colin Pantall/PhMuseum
"Sobering, thought provoking and sadly all too current."
Robin Titchener/Photobook Reviews
"A moving and massive work, even more so in the light of the war in the Ukraine."
Josef Chladek/Virtual Bookshelf
"Photographically beautiful and visually compelling. "
Steve Harp/PhotoBook Journal
"Dealing with the repercussions of war is - with all it’s layers - not only a book that broadens the mind and thus enlightens us but also a complete mindf*ck that mirrors reality."
– SYB – Sybren Kuiper
Dutch Graphic Designer
"A haunting record of civil and political unrest in the former Yugoslavian states."
Colin Pantall/British Journal of Photography
German Photobook Award 23/24
Rencontres d'Arles Book Award 2022
AI-AP | 39 American Photography Award
Photobook Award Encontros da Imagem - EI 2022
Athens Photo Festival 2022 Photobook Exhibition
Product Details
Self Published
1st edition
450 copies
(100 Bosnian, 150 German, 250 English and a limited artist edition of 50 pieces with a signed and numbered print)
Two Volume Set, Hardcover Book (Linnen ) and Softcover Booklet (22 x 30 cm)
336 pages with eight fold-outs
270 b&w photographs
120 gms Munken Lynx rough
Tritone offset printing
Photography: Miro Kuzmanović
Text/Essays: Slavenka Draculić, Valentin Inzko, Miro Kuzmanović and Ana Mijić
Design: –SYB–
Lithography: Sebastiaan Hanekroot – Colour & Books
Scans and Post-production: Marco Zanella – CESURA Lab
Printing: Jos Morree – Fine Books
ISBN: 978-3-200-08047-8